center for true harmony wellness & Medicine

ted hair restoration

TED Hair Restoration in Mesa, AZ

TED Hair restoration

TED ultrasound therapy is a revolutionary new hair restoration therapy that uses sound waves to stimulate growth of existing hair follicles while promoting the growth of new follicles. This treatment is especially beneficial for women who are experiencing alopecia or thinning of their hair due to age, stress, medications, hormones, and other lifestyle factors.

The key benefit of TED ultrasound therapy is that it helps to reduce hair loss and promote natural, healthy hair growth without the need for surgery or other invasive treatments. The sound waves stimulate existing follicles by encouraging them to produce new hairs, as well as stimulating dormant follicles back into active growth. This means that with regular treatment, you can expect to see fuller, thicker hair in just a few months.

how treatment works

TED ultrasound therapy works by using focused sound waves to stimulate the scalp and hair follicles. The sound waves create tiny vibrations in the scalp, which stimulates circulation and encourages the production of healthy cells that help to repair damage caused by aging, stress, medications, hormones, and other lifestyle factors.

The therapy also increases blood flow to the scalp by encouraging new capillaries to form, which in turn delivers essential nutrients and oxygen to the follicles. This helps to strengthen existing hairs and encourages new hair growth. The increased circulation also helps to reduce inflammation and promote a healthier scalp environment for faster and better hair growth.

TED ultrasound therapy is usually administered in several sessions lasting between 15 minutes and an hour. During each session, the technician will apply the ultrasound device to the scalp in a circular motion. The intensity of the sound waves can be adjusted depending on each individual’s needs and comfort level. With regular treatment sessions, you can expect to see noticeable results within three months or so.

benefits of TED hair restoration

The key benefit of TED ultrasound therapy is that it helps to reduce hair loss and promote natural, healthy hair growth without the need for surgery or other invasive treatments. The sound waves stimulate existing follicles by encouraging them to produce new hairs, as well as stimulating dormant follicles back into active growth. This means that with regular treatment, you can expect to see fuller, thicker hair in just a few months.

candidates for TED hair restoration

TED ultrasound therapy is a safe and effective treatment option for most women and men of all ages, but it may not be suitable for everyone. Women with certain medical conditions should consult their doctor before undergoing TED ultrasound therapy to ensure that it is the right choice for them. Additionally, pregnant or nursing women should avoid this treatment due to potential risks. However, if you’re looking for a safe, non-invasive way to restore your hair and have it looking its best again, TED ultrasound therapy may be right for you.

schedule your appointment today!