center for true harmony wellness & Medicine

BeautiFill Laser Lipo & Fat Transfer

BeautiFill Laser Lipo & Fat Transfer in Mesa, AZ

BeautiFill Laser Lipo & Fat Transfer

BeautiFill Laser Lipo & Fat Transfer is a revolutionary cosmetic procedure offered at The Center for True Harmony Wellness & Medicine. It is a safe and effective way to remove unwanted fat from various areas of the body while also utilizing that fat to enhance other parts of the body.

What is BeautiFill Laser Lipo & Fat Transfer

BeautiFill Laser Lipo & Fat Transfer is a minimally invasive procedure that combines laser-assisted liposuction with fat transfer. This technique removes excess fat from areas such as the abdomen, thighs, hips, and arms using a specialized laser device. The removed fat is then purified and injected into other areas of the body that may benefit from added volume, such as the breasts, buttocks, or face.

How does it work

During the procedure, a small incision is made in the targeted area and a thin cannula (tube) is inserted. The specialized laser device then delivers energy to liquefy and remove fat cells without damaging surrounding tissue. The liquefied fat is then gently suctioned out, leaving behind a more contoured and sculpted appearance. The harvested fat is then purified and injected into the desired areas.

The Results

The results of BeautiFill Laser Lipo & Fat Transfer are natural-looking and long-lasting. By utilizing your own fat cells, the procedure avoids the use of synthetic fillers or implants, making it a safe and more natural option. Patients can expect improved body contouring in the treated areas, as well as enhanced volume and shape in the recipient areas. Many patients report feeling more confident and satisfied with their appearance after undergoing this procedure.

Other benefits

In addition to its cosmetic benefits, BeautiFill Laser Lipo & Fat Transfer also has other unique benefits. The use of laser technology reduces bruising, swelling, and discomfort for patients during the procedure and recovery period. It also promotes skin tightening in the treated areas, resulting in smoother and firmer skin. Moreover, as it utilizes a patient's own fat cells, there is no risk of rejection or allergic reaction.

BeautiFill Laser Lipo & Fat Transfer at The Center for True Harmony Wellness & Medicine offers a safe and effective option for those looking to remove unwanted fat and enhance their body's shape. With its advanced laser technology, natural-looking results, and additional benefits, it is no wonder why this procedure is becoming increasingly popular among men and women alike. Consult with our experienced team to see if BeautiFill Laser Lipo & Fat Transfer is the right option for you.

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